Nazi Parade

photograph taken past Hugo Jager

Seventy years ago the greatest massacre in history began - with the financing from the Banking concern of England and the Federal Reserve Organisation of the U.s..

A recent resolution by the parliamentary assembly of the OSCE alleged that the Soviet Matrimony and Nazi Deutschland held equal roles in unleashing WWII. Furthermore, the resolution has the purely pragmatic goal of pumping Russian money into a few broke economies while seeking to demonize Russia as the successor to the Soviet Union and prepare the legal background for depriving Moscow from opposing this revisionist view the war. Just if nosotros are to argue the culpability for the state of war's outbreak, and so we need to begin by answering this fundamental question: who accommodated the Nazis' rising to ability, who directed them towards global catastrophe? Germany'southward entire prewar history shows that the "necessary" policies were all provided for by guided fiscal turmoil - the same situation, by the fashion, that the globe finds itself in today.

The primal structures of the West's post-state of war strategy were the cardinal financial institutions of the United States and Great Britain - the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve System - coupled with financial-industrial organizations, who set out to establish absolute control over the financial system in Germany to manage the politics of Cardinal Europe. The implementation of this strategy included the following steps:

1st: 1919-1924 - Preparing the grounds for massive American financial investments in the German economic system.
2d: 1924-1929 - Establishing control over the financial organization and funding the National-Socialist movement.
3rd: 1929-1933 - Inciting and unleashing a deep economical crisis ensuring the Nazis would rise to power.
4th: 1933-1939 - Fiscal cooperation with the Nazi regime and support for its expansionist strange policy, aimed at preparing and unleashing the new earth war.

In the first stage, the major leverage for the penetration of American upper-case letter into Europe came from war debts and the closely related issue of German reparations. Subsequently the United States' formal entry into WWI, the U.S. provided its allies (primarily England and France) with loans amounting to $8.viii billon. The total sum of war debt owed to the U.Due south., including loans offered between 1919 and 1921, amounted to $eleven billion. To solve their own fiscal problems the debtor countries went after Frg, forcing information technology to pay an enormous sum in reparations nether extremely difficult conditions. The resulting flight of German language capital abroad and refusal past companies to pay their taxes resulted in such a state deficit that all the government could do is mass produce High german marks without bankroll. The High german currency collapsed as a event. During the hyperinflation of 1923, the aggrandizement rate reached 578,512% and i dollar was worth iv.ii trillion Deutsch marks. German industrialists began to openly sabotage all attempt to pay the reparations, which eventually sparked the famous "Ruhr crisis" — a Franco-Belgian occupation of the Ruhr valley in 1923.

This is exactly what the ruling elite in United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland and American had been waiting for. Having allowed France to get bogged down in the Ruhrland adventures and showing its inability to solve the problem, they took the state of affairs into their own hands. U.S. Secretarial assistant of Country Charles Evans Hughes said, "We must look until Europe is ripe to accept the American proposal."

A new project was adult in the bowels of J.P. Morgan and Co. at the behest Montague Norman, head of the Bank of England. At the heart of the projection were Dresdner Banking company representative Hjalmar Schacht'southward proposals, which had been formulated in March 1922 at the asking of John Foster Dulles, hereafter Secretary of State under Eisenhower, and legal advisor to President Woodrow Wilson at the Paris Peace Conference.

Dulles passed the proposals to the master trustee of J.P. Morgan and Co., who then gave recommendations to Schacht, Norman and - at final - to Weimar officials. In December 1923, Schacht became the director of Reichbank and played an instrumental role in bringing together the Anglo-American and High german financial circles.

In the summertime of 1924, the projection, known equally the "Dawes Plan" (named after an Charles Yard. Dawes, the American director of one of Morgan's banks, who chaired the commission of experts who preparing the proposals) was adopted at the London Briefing. He called for halving the reparations to be paid, and also settled how Germany would pay them off. All the same, the primary goal was to provide favorable conditions for U.S. investment, which could but be fabricated possible past stabilizing the German mark.

To that end, Germany was granted $200 million in loans, one-half of which were provided by Morgan'due south banks. In doing and so, Anglo-American banks established command over non merely Federal republic of germany's payments, only besides its budget, monetary organisation and, to a large extent, its credit system. By Baronial 1924, the erstwhile High german mark had been made anew, the financial situation in Germany stabilized, and, as researcher G.D. Preparta wrote, the Weimar Republic was prepared for "the most striking economical aid in history, followed past the near bitter harvest in world history. [...] [T]he uncontrollable gushing of American blood flooded into Germany'southward financial cadre."

The consequences of this quickly made themselves noticed.

Firstly, due to the fact that the annual reparations payments were to cover the allies' total debts, the so-chosen "cool Weimar wheel" developed. The gold that Germany was using to pay war reparations was heaped up and sold to the U.S., where it disappeared. From the U.S., according to the plan, gold was going to Frg in the form of "aid", which was and then paid dorsum to England and France, who and then sent it dorsum to the United States to pay off their war debts. The U.S. so placed a heavy interest charge per unit on it and sent information technology back to Germany. In the stop, Frg lived off of debt, and it was clear that should Wall Street withdraw its loans, then the land would suffer a complete meltdown.

Secondly, although the loans were officially given to Germany to ensure the payment of reparations, in reality, they were designed to restore the country's military-industrial potential. In fact, the Germans paid off the loans with shares of German companies, allowing American upper-case letter to actively integrate itself into the German language economy. The total amount of strange investment in German industry from 1924-1929 amounted to nearly 63 billion aureate marks (the loans accounted for 30 billion of this), and 10 billion in reparations was paid off. American bankers - primarily J.P. Morgan, provided Seventy per centum of Deutschland's financial income. As a result, as early equally 1929, Frg's industry was second in the earth, but to a large extent information technology was in the hands of America's leading financial-industrial groups.

Thus, I.Thou. Farben, the visitor that became the German language war machine's primal component, was under the control of Rockefeller's Standard Oil at the fourth dimension it funded 45 percent of Hitler'southward election entrada in 1930. Through General Electric, J.P. Morgan controlled the German radio and electrical industry in the form of AEG and Siemens (past 1933, General Electric owned a 30 percent stake in AEG). Through telecom company ITT, he controlled 40 percent of Deutschland's telephone network and 30 percent of aircraft manufacturer Focke-Wulf. Opel was taken over past the Dupont family's Full general Motors. Henry Ford held a 100 pct stake in Volkswagen. In 1926, with the participation of Rockefeller banking concern, Dillon Reed and Co., the second largest industrial monopoly emerged - metallurgical firm Vereinigte Stahlwerke (Unified Steel Trusts) of Thyssen, Flick, Wolf, Fegler, etc.

American cooperation with Germany'due south armed forces-industrial complex became so intense and pervasive that, by 1933, American capital had reached key sectors of German industry and even major banks like Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, Donat Bank, etc.

Simultaneously, a political strength was being financed that would be called upon to play a crucial role in the Anglo-American plans - the Nazi party and Adolf Hitler himself.

German Chancellor Brüning wrote in his memoirs that beginning in 1923, Hitler received big sums of money from abroad - from where exactly is unknown, but it passed through Swiss and Swedish banks. It is too known that in 1922, Hitler met with U.Due south. Military Attaché Capt. Truman Smith in Munich - a meeting Smith recounted in a detailed report to his Washington superiors (in the Function of Military machine Intelligence), saying he thought highly of Hitler.

It was through Smith's circumvolve of acquaintances that Hitler came into contact with "Putzi" (Ernst Franz Sedgwick Hanfstaengl), a Harvard University graduate who played an important role shaping Hitler into a successful political leader, giving him substantial fiscal support and connections among senior British figures.

Hitler was preparing himself for large-time politics, but, as long as prosperity reigned in Frg, his political party remained on the periphery of public life. This situation inverse dramatically with the onset of the crunch.

After the U.S. Federal Reserve engineered the plummet of the stock marketplace in the autumn of 1929, the 3rd phase of the Anglo-American strategy began.

The Fed and J.P. Morgan decided to cease lending to Germany, spurring a banking crisis and economic depression in Central Europe. In September 1931, England abased the gold standard, deliberately destroying the international payment organisation and completely cutting off the financial oxygen of the Weimar Democracy.

But, the Nazi Party experienced a miraculous boom: in September 1930, thanks to big donations from Thyssen, I.M. Farben, and Kirdorf, the party nerveless 6.four one thousand thousand votes - putting it in 2d place in the Reichstag. Soon thereafter appeared a generous infusion of funds from abroad. Hjalmar Schacht became the cardinal link betwixt the major German industrialists and the foreign financiers.

On January 4, 1932, at a coming together between Adolf Hitler, German Chancellor Franz von Papen and Montague Norman, a secret agreement was reached securing funding for the Nazi Party. The American political leader, Dulles, was also nowadays at this meeting - something his biographers don't like to mention. On January fourteen, 1933, Hitler held a meeting with Kurt von Schroeder, a Nazi-sympathizing banker, von Papen and Kepler, where the Hitler's program was fully approved. It was here that the final path for the Nazis' rise to power was laid, and on January xxx, Hitler became chancellor.

So began the quaternary stage of the strategy.

The human relationship between the new authorities and the Anglo-American ruling circles became extremely chivalrous. When Hitler refused continued payment of reparations, which naturally raised questions about the payment of state of war debts, neither United kingdom nor France forced him to pay up. Moreover, after Reichsbank head Hjalmar Schacht traveled to the U.S. in May 1933 to meet with the president and major Wall Street bankers, America provided Germany with new loans totaling $1 billion. And in June, during a visit to Norman in London, Schacht requested an addition $2 billion in loans as well every bit a reduction and eventual cessation of payment on old loans. Thus, the Nazis got something that the previous regime could not.

In the summer of 1934, Great britain signed the Anglo-German Transfer Agreement, which became one of the foundations of British policy towards the Third Reich, and by the cease of the 1930'south, Germany adult into United kingdom's main trading partner. Schroeder's bank turned into Frg'southward and Peachy Britain'southward main amanuensis, and in 1936, its New York branch merged with a Rockefeller holding to create the investment depository financial institution "Schroeder, Rockefeller and Co.", which the New York Times described as "economic-propagandist axis of Berlin-Rome". Every bit he admitted himself, Hitler viewed strange credit as the fiscal basis of his four-year programme, so this didn't raise the slightest alarm.

In August 1934, American oil giant Standard Oil purchased 730,000 acres of state in Germany and built big oil refineries that supplied the Nazis with oil. At the aforementioned time, the Usa secretly provided Frg with the most modern equipment for airplane factories, which would soon produce German language aircraft. Germany received a big number of patents from American firms Pratt and Whitney, Douglas, and the Bendix Corporation, and the "Junker-87" dive-bomber was built using purely American technology. By 1941, when the second world war was in total-swing, American investment in the German language economy totaled $475 million, Standard Oil invested $120 one thousand thousand alone, General Motors — $35 one thousand thousand, ITT — $thirty million, and Ford — $17.5 million.

The intimate financial and economic collusion betwixt Anglo-American and Nazi businessman was the properties confronting which the policy of appeasement to the aggressor took place - leading directly to Earth State of war 2.

Today, while the global financial elite has embarked on a programme of "Great Low part II" with the subsequent transition to a "new world club", it is imperative to place its key function in organizing crimes against humanity in the past.

ORIENTAL REVIEW has completed exclusive translations of the chapters from Nikolay Starikov's documentary research ""
Who Made Hitler Assail Stalin" (St.Petersburg, 2008). Mr. Starikov is Russian historian and civil activist. The original text was adapted and translated by ORIENTAL REVIEW.